
Deepika Padukone finds a friend in John Abraham

Actress Deepika Padukone, who has always been in the news for her relationships, has apparently found a new friend in actor John Abraham. The duo recently returned from London, where they were shooting for Desi Boyz, the place where they seemed to have clicked.

According to reports, John Abraham, who’s rumoured to have split with longtime girlfriend Bipasha Basu, immersed himself into work to keep himself distracted. But during 40-odd days of the London schedule of Desi Boyz a month back, he seems to hit it off with his co-star Deepika. Says a source from London, “John and Deepika met on the sets. They barely knew each other when they first met, but now seem to have hit it off really well. They are young, fun and have been giving each other company beyond the sets. In fact they were even spotted enjoying each other’s company at a bash thrown by actor Akshay Kumar after the London schedule wrapped up.”

Abraham has been nursing a broken heart and Padukone seems to have walked into his life at the perfect time. The source adds, “Though it’s too early to say that they could be dating, they are definitely bonding. Both seem to be exceptionally comfortable with each other and share crackling chemistry.”

Interestingly, Deepika hasn’t confirmed or denied her relationship with liquour baron Vijay Mallya’s son Siddharthatill date. However they were recently snapped kissing during a cricket match in Bangalore last week. So, wassup Padukone?

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