
Angelina Jolie skinny and frail? Brad Pitt thinks she needs professional help?

Angelina Jolie skinny and frail? Brad Pitt thinks she needs professional help?: "

Angelina Jolie skinny and frail? Brad Pitt thinks she needs professional help?

According to Star, Angelina Jolie has plummeted to a scary 99 pounds!'Angie has gotten so skinny and frail, Brad Pitt thinks she needs professional help,' a source tells Star. Brad reportedly staged an 'intervention,' begging Angelina to get help. 'Her face looks sunken. On the red carpet, her arms look like twigs.'

'Brad is really concerned with her eating habits,' says the source. 'She's existing on cereal bars and fruit smoothies and has slipped to just 99 pounds. She is so thin yet will still go on a carrot-juice fast for days.'

Brad is 'leaving food out all over the place hoping she'll snack.'

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