
Aishwarya and John in Raghavan's next

Aishwarya Rai

Filmmaker Sriram Raghavan, who has made exciting thrillers like Ek Hasina Thi and Johnny Gaddar, is upbeat about his next film, Happy Birthday starring John Abraham and Aishwarya Bachchan. With this interesting pair, Sriram has decided to shift his loyalties to love stories. We don’t know how easy this one’s going to be, but we do know that Raghavan had put on his thinking cap for quite a while before he came up with the title of the film. Ask him about his experience of working on a romantic film and he jokes, “As long as I’m saying ‘action’, I’m happy.” The trio - John, Aishwarya and Raghavan will work together for the first time in this film. Happy working, guys.

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