
Rima Fakih Foto and Video, Miss America 2010

News latest of Miss America 2010 Rima Fakih enough to make a scene and also one of the most searched news. He is the winner of Miss America in 2010. With the victory, automatically Rima Fakih will represent the United States in the world or the Beauty Queen contest Miss World 2010 which will be held.

Many are quite controversial news surrounding the 2010 winner of the Miss America pageant was Rima Fakih. Rima Fakih who exactly is this? We can get a little reading about the profiles and biographies of Miss America's Rima Fakih.

Rima Fakih was an Arab who lives in Amerika.Rima Fakih live in Dearborn, Michigan by her parents. When he was small his parents moved to the United States from Lebanon. Miss USA received his bachelor degree in Economics from the University of Michigan. He plans to law school after he was during Miss USA.

In one session at arena Miss America contest, Maria Fakih act smart and be very memorable. When she used her evening gown she fell, but he can overcome these problems with a very stunning and make the jury was impressed.

We can see the Video Miss America Fakih Rima in sexy clothing and sexy enough fascinating and interesting below.

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