
How Do Search Engines Work?

The fundamental truth you need to know about SEO is that search engines are not equivalent to human beings. As a result, search engines view web pages different from the way humans will do. Search engines are rather text-driven. Regardless of the rapid advancement of technology, search engines are distance apart from humans, who are able to sense or experience the loveliness of a pleasant design or have pleasure with movie sounds and objects movement in movies.

On the contrary, search engine creep the web, viewing a given site items - text, in order to have an insight of what the sight is all about. This is just a general explanation, subsequently; it will be shown that search engines are involved in many activities for search results to be delivered. Other activities related to result delivery by the search engine includes indexing, calculating relevancy, processing as well as retrieving.

Activities of Search Engines

At the first instance, in order to see what is on the Web, search engines crawl the Web. The software for executing this task is known as a crawler or a spider; for Google, the software piece is known as Googlebot. Crawlers track links from page to page, while indexing all that they discover on their way. Since the number of pages on the Web is quite overwhelming, it is impractical for the crawler or spider to go to a website everyday to find out if there is a new page or if any modification has been done on an old page. In most cases, more than one month will elapse before the crawler visits your page; this is the period that you will be rewarded for your SEO jobs; however, you cannot influence it; so all you need to do is to stay calm.

The role you can play is to find out what a spider sees from your website. It has been said earlier that spiders are not like humans and therefore will not see images, frames, flash movies, pages protected by password etc. therefore, if your site features any of these mentioned elements, you would need to ascertain if they can be viewed by the spider using the Spider Simulator. If the features cannot be viewed, this implies that the possibility of spidering, indexing or processing them is zero; plainly put, these features will not be existent for search engines.

Subsequent to the crawling of a Webpage is its content indexing. An indexed page is kept in a big database until when it can be retrieved. Basically, the process involved in indexing is to identify the words and expressions that give the perfect description of the page and also the assigning of specific keywords to the page. At other times, right meaning of a page may not be dictated during the indexing process, but your optimization effort will assist the search engines in classifying your pages accurately, increasing your chances for higher rankings.

There are still more things to learn about SEO and how the search engine works; the subject is quite large.

The Coding Studio is the author of this article on an SEO Company. Find more information about SEO services at http://www.thecodingstudio.com

Source: http://www.articletrader.com"
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